Monday, December 27, 2010

Clarke and Gardner Family Dinner

It's now a Clarke tradition that the two families being married in will have a family dinner. The Clarkes will make up limericks and odes and we will laugh the entire night. Usually it's a getting to know you kind of thing, but since we already know the Gardners, we ate dinner, had the funny limericks, then played Volleyball. 
Here is Brad being Brandon and Duane being Officer Bob (Stacey's Dad) --they are acting out what it was like when Brandon asked Bob for Stacey's hand....

This was by far the funniest thing I have ever heard. Brad made an Ode to some song on the Beverly Hillbillies about Brandon. We recorded it and will put it up on Youtube, for some of the fam that couldn't be there.

Me and my little sickie getting ready to go....

 Kaylin sang a rendition of Silent Night with Brad. It was so cute and beautiful. She did such a good job and I love Brad's voice with the guitar.

Renae and Jocelyn making a funny limerick about Jonathan. Don't they look like trouble?!? I LOVE these girlies!!!

One of my fav parts about family in town is Game Nights. We laugh so hard.
We played a game boys vs girls, so here's the girls couch.
Jocelyn, Laurel, Me, Stacey and Becky.

The boy couch--they are making "sexy faces" I love Jonathans. ;)
Travis, Brandon, Brock, Garett, Jonathan


Tami said...

That dinner tradition sounds like fun. I can't believe that Kaylin sang in front of everyone. What a cutie! My kids would rather die. That game night sounds awesome!

Meagan said...

Sounds like you all had a blast! I must admit, I'm glad you told us what the boys were doing in the picture. I don't think I would have guessed that they were being sexy. LOL! I would love to hear the youtube ode. Those brothers are a hoot!