Friday, June 24, 2011

Who is Who?

Can you guess who is who?! 

I know the blue shirt gives Ethan away, but I think they all look SO similar but different!! Definitely all Clarkeys! :)
And when you figure out who everyone is, who do you think Ashlynn looks like!?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

The best daddy in the whole wide world....
I love this pic, my handsome little men.

Our family of 6!! I'm still getting used to it, that's why I keep telling myself :) Needed an updated pic for my wall! But it was SO hot and muggy with bad hair this is the best one we got. Pretty good though eh?

This daddy LOVES bebes :) I love Ashlynn's face in this one!

 Like father like's so true in this family!!!


Our children couldn't love him anymore. They play with him, confide in him, help him, and love him SO MUCH. I'm so grateful to have married such a hands on dad who finds so much joy in his family. LOVE YOU my wonderful husband!!!

The BIG 3-0!!

Travis had the kids all day so in the morning my friend Joyce took me to get my nails done! The massage chair was my favorite! Thanks for the pedi Joyce! Then we went to Taco Mac for lunch and did some shopping! It was a great day! When I got home my cute little family ate dinner together. After all my girlies started coming over to do hair and make up! Renae, Jocey, Emily and Nicole all came over, it was fun :)
Then Kindra and Mandy met us there. They didn't get the wear all black memo so they were fun to play with :))

Emily did my make up "smokey eyes". It was different--never had it done before, but it was super fun to have it tonight. Thanks Em!

We played a game called Laser Frenzy where you have to get through the lasers without breaking them. It records your score. These are the ladies who did it. Proud to say I was number 1 because in laser tag I wasn't so good....

First game was a random team divide by couples. I came in LAST place!! Probably because I screamed so much everyone knew where I was....but the 2nd game we did girls vs guys and I was 4th out of 6th...I was moving up in the world! ;) It was a blast anyway and we want to to do it often. 

My sweet hubby. He was so good to me. He made my day perfect.

Falling in Love with her....

We are all smitten by this new little stranger in our home. She is so precious and PATIENT! 

Ethan takes very good care of his littlest sister. He makes sure she has her passy and talks to her whenever she's awake. He also keeps our runny nosed noisy monster away! (He's very protective!)

Kaylin is my biggest helper. She LOVES holding her and when I need her to, she'll burp her for me. I love these pictures so much because Ashlynn is nuzzling her neck and Kaylin has the biggest true blue smile.
 How sweet is that?! It's so amazing to me, the connection siblings have. It's like they remember each other, they feel safe, they know they are loved....

My beautiful children. I love how this picture turned out.

I have never seen Mika this happy in a picture before. She is such a proud big sister!! She wants to help in any way she can...this includes: singing on the top of her lungs right in her face, getting her passy and waking her up to give it to her, patting her tummy to burp her...etc etc.

I've been lucky enough to have so many people helping me on and off, that I have a very sweet bond with my little Ashlynn. She is a sweetie and I feel so connected with her. I absolutely love it when she's upset and I just put my cheek to hers, she stops crying. 
 I feel so amazingly blessed to have my 4 sweet children. Being a new mommy of 4 during the hot summer time has proved challenging, but I wouldn't change anything to not have them in my life...

Friday, June 03, 2011


My very talented sister made all the girls matching dresses!! They are SO cute!! So after I took a few family shots fo the Perdue's we tried to take all the kiddos in their matching outfits. The boys just wore white shirts with blue shorts, but still looked as handsome as ever.

This is at a nearby waterfall, unfortunately not a lot of light, but very cute faces! We missed Henry in this one as Angie took him with her so she could put dinner in the oven for all us hungry folks!

We tried hard on this one too but there were a ton of bugs and it was SO HOT!! This is the best one. And yes Ethan is holding Ashlynn... (Travis thought it was a doll!) 

Sandy Springs has a bunch of statue turtles around their city, and this was one of them. The kids started climbing on it, but the little kids were "done" with pictures :)

Kaylin is growing way too fast for me. I love this picture. I think she looks a lot like me here...

 Thanks Meagy for sharing your wonderful skill and talent with us! We will cherish your dresses!!!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Fun times

Meagan and Chris and their two little kids came to visit us! I got to spend several fun days with them during the week. Unfortunately I didn't think about getting pictures with Meagan and our babies until they left! But we still have some pics showing some of the fun we had! 
 Wendy LOVED Grandpa! She didn't like sharing very much. It was simply adorable.

Angie and her cute fam came up on Thursday to spend the day. She had to fight Lily for a chance to hold Ashlynn.  :)

Pool Time!! Mom has a great pool at her townhouse. One of the days Ashlynn and I ventured out in the heat.

 Kaylin loved having Chris in the water with her. He loved playing with Kaylin and Wendy.

Kyle took a nice shaded nap...

And so did Mika...

Meagan was in the water the whole time! Just like when we were kids...Kyle enjoyed the dip to escape the heat. He's one calm easy going little guy and oh so cute.

 Mika just tottled around with her floatie with no cares in the world...

 Wendy used one of Mika's floaties but was a little unsure...she loved being with Grandma in the water!

They had a great time playing relay races and Marco Polo!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Still so tiny

I loved the time I got to spend alone with baby Ash when my little family was at the lake. She was so incredibly sweet and mellow. 
She's such a good little sleeper and wakes up to eat like clockwork. I have found though, that she is pickier than my other kids with what I eat. So far she doesn't like salsa, chocolate or coke. Everything in moderation right?!

I know she looks chunky in all the pics, but really she is so tiny. All my babies have had small heads full of dark hair --and lots of it, and chubby cheeks. I'm taking her to the Dr soon to check her weight.

This picture I love. It shows her tininess and her jet black hair. She is constantly grunting, stretching and making all sorts of cute baby noises. She'll yell out occasionally but we've only heard her really truly cry a few times.