Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

The best daddy in the whole wide world....
I love this pic, my handsome little men.

Our family of 6!! I'm still getting used to it, that's why I keep telling myself :) Needed an updated pic for my wall! But it was SO hot and muggy with bad hair this is the best one we got. Pretty good though eh?

This daddy LOVES bebes :) I love Ashlynn's face in this one!

 Like father like's so true in this family!!!


Our children couldn't love him anymore. They play with him, confide in him, help him, and love him SO MUCH. I'm so grateful to have married such a hands on dad who finds so much joy in his family. LOVE YOU my wonderful husband!!!


Meagan said...

Happy Father's Day Travis! What an awesome hands-on daddy! I'm so grateful that these four kids that I love and adore so much have such an amazing daddy! I can't believe how much little Ashlynn has grown already! What a cutie!!!

Joyce said...

Oh Please! Thats a great family picture girlie:)

Angie said...

Love that last picture of travis with his cute kids. He is such a great daddy! You are a lucky mama! Great pictures. Whoa. Family of 6! That sounds crazy!!! :)