Saturday, October 08, 2011

Growing "littles"

I call my two youngest girls "littles". They are growing so fast...
Ashlynn is 4 1/2 months in this picture.

Mika loves being a big sister. She's helpful when she wants to be. She loves making sure Ashlynn has her bottle. And loves to be on the floor with her.

Mika loves to dress up. She's a princess but if you look, she has boots on and is about to go outside with Ethan.


Meagan said...

What spunky little girls! It looks like Ashlynn just rolls with the punches. I'm glad Mika is liking the big sister role. It looks like the spacing of your girls worked out perfectly for their personalities!

Tami said...

Wow, your girls really look alike in that picture of them together! CUTE!!! My girls have those same boots!