Ethan Chase is ONE! Above: His blue birthday cake! He danced during the Birthday song. I helped him blow out his candle, while Kayin helped him dig in to the cake! He liked it, but not as much as Kaylin! Below: Sitting in his new Spiderman Chair! He thinks he's king of the world when he sits in it! Always a happy face!

Below: Riding his new 3-wheel bike from Grandma Sharp. He loved just sitting on it. He doesn't want anyone else to! What a cute boy!

Below: Party Time! Kaylin sharing Ethan's new toys. :) Ethan loves tools and would be completely satisfied with a scredriver in his hand at all times. He uses his tools on any other toy, fixing them. He also got a tool bench!

Below: Birthday cake detroyed. Mission completed. Happy Birthday Ethan!!