We love Grandma!
It was so great spending time with my brother. I've missed him so much. Saturday he took my mom and I out to lunch. We ate at the cutest little resturant called Little Red Riding Hood (or something like that) and everything was antique and vintage. Then he took us to the best donut place ever and I got a true Boston Creme! (we were in MA) Love you bro!
Before heading back on the road, we took some pics by Sarena's gorgeous flowers. The girls--we had such a great time together. :) And Mika even warmed up to Sarena in 3 short days!

The boys--
Sharps, you guys were so great, fun and hospitable. Kenz let me and the kids take over her room and bathroom--such a good sport!! She was a vagabond most nights. It was fun to talk about books with her and watching movies when the youngens went to bed. Jared was so gentlemenly to the girls, always protecting them. Trev was so helpful and I had a great time laughing with him. And Karinn was so sweet to all my kids. She shared and played with them all week. They adored her.

The boys--