Monday, September 10, 2007

Funny things

Mom: It's bedtime, what book do you want to read tonight?
Kaylin: I want you to tell me a story...about a Princess Party!
Mom: Okay...There once was a princess Kaylin who lived in a castle and she invited all her friends to her princess party...They were dancing and...
Kaylin: Who was I dancing with?
Mom: Um...a Prince.
Kaylin: What was his name?
Mom: I don't know, what do you think his name should be?
Kaylin: Ethan!

In Pre-K they have a color system for behavior. Blue is best, then Green, Yellow and lastly Red (meaning you've gone in time out that day) Kaylin's had blue every day until one day, she hops into the car and blurts out: Mom I got green today because I talked in quiet time. I promise I'll be good tomorrow!

Kaylin: I want to be a princess when I grow up! If you don't cut my hair, will I turn into a princess?

Mom: Oh my gosh!
Kaylin: Mom you said a bad thing. That makes Heavenly Father sad. That's his name!
Mom: No, I said 'gosh', not 'God'. That's his name.
Kaylin: Oh no, you said it again, we can't say that mom.
Mom: Okay, should we say 'Oh my goodness' instead?
Kaylin: Yes, I think that will make Heavenly Father happy.

Watching Alladin--
"Mom, does Alladin follow Jesus?"

Mom: I think you are getting sick, honey.
Kaylin: I know, I think it's because I eat my boogers. They make me sick. Maybe I could stop eating them and then I won't be sick anymore.


The Grantham Family said...

You are the best at keeping journals...and writing what your silly kids say! I need to be more like you! She is a hoot. I wish I could see her in real life. Tell her that she is a make believe princess to my little Macie because she will only know little Kaylin through photos!! feel like traveling! Good thing you are a photographer!

The Young Family Inc. said...

Boogers! That is the best!

Ginny Lubin Butler said...

Kaylin is hilarious! I just linked you guys to my blog; I didn't know you had one until today! Britt says you're getting your photo business started- so exciting!! You'll do great.