Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Morning!!

We got to talk to Travis' brother Brandon who in on mission in India at 2am. It was awesome and I loved every minute of it! But....morning DID come very early. I felt tiny cold fingers all over my arms and legs and woke up so confused until i realized it was my 2 oldest children's hands and the clock read 6:25am. Ugh. Travis and I were so tired. He said to me, "We should really take a picture..." and I looked all the way across the room from my comfy spot on the couch and said..."Uh-huh" and didn't move. So we didn't get a lot of pictures of the kids actually opening anything, but it was a very successful Christmas! Above is Ethan with his race track. Ethan got a nice remote control car that so far has been indestructable and a dino matchbox car race track to attach to his other race tracks he already has.
Mika got a kitty piano and a purse from Santa. I think her favorite toy was her kitty piano and foam book.

Kaylin was one happy girl. She asked Santa for a giant stuffed lion that could fold out to a huge pillow or fold up to be the animal. She also got a baking center. The rest she got from mom and dad--Santa can't be the favorite! :) (I learned this from my sister Tami!)
Christmas Morning choas. I had everything spotless clean, and it was destroyed in a matter of minutes. But it's alright we had fun.
Merry Christmas!!!


Angie said...

looks like a fun morning at the clarkes! i can't believe you guys were up before us!!! i have a feeling it will just get earlier and earlier for me... :(

Tami said...

What a fun Christmas morning! Bummer that you were so tired (I was too) but at least you recovered and had a fun rest of the day! Your kids are too cute!!