Our rule is the kids have to find their basket first. The basket is from Mom and Dad. They find the best chocolate, a toy, and some small nick-knacks. Once everyone finds their basket they can find the eggs.
Ethan got a...surprise! Another Monster Truck!
Kaylin took the longest to find her basket, but on the way back to us she kept saying "No way! No way!" She got some small La-la Loopseys. (don't even ask...)
Another rule was that the eggs on the grass were for Mika. Travis made it a bit harder for the older kids :)

One of Ethan's toys were those boxers and you use your thumb to make them box. Him and Travis had a pretty good round. :)
Jocelyn, Garret and Laurel came over for the hunt. Mika just adores Jocey and sat with her while the older kids kept trying to find all the eggs. She was content with her little loot and her new pony.
Yeah, it looks a little scary, but it's a plush my little pony and Mika loves it. It even sings and talks to her.
Kaylin enjoying the air conditioning and all her treasures!
We took a few quick shots of the family. Mika had a hard time cooperating, but the older kids were adorable. It's time like these where I think they really do love each other!
Me and my love. I'm 35 weeks....
Yeah it was fast Sunday. I guess I'm super tasty :)
My family!
Happy Easter!! It was fun to be able to talk to the kids (now being older) about the meaning behind the Easter Egg, Springtime etc. Kaylin really enjoyed the talk and it made so much sense to her. We also watched a wonderful Easter Message on lds.org about the Savior that was very sweet and deeply touching. We are so grateful for our Savior's sacrifice and the Resurrection that allows to live forever as a family someday!