Monday, August 06, 2007

Kaylin starts Pre-K!

Today was Kaylin's first day of School! She started Pre-K today. Here she is before we left. I had to wake her up at 7:30 so we could get her there on time!!!
So excited!!!
Last week she had to get shots for school. She was determined to to be brave and knew she would get a treat after so she wasn't scared or nervous at all. She had to do an eye exam and a hearing test. For the eye exam instead of the letters, they had pictures. Whenever the nurse pointed to the tea cup she yelled it so loud because she was so excited that it was on there amongst all the other shapes. For her hearing test, the nurse told her to raise her hand when she heard a sound in the huge headphones that were on her little head. But instead she would say, "that was a loud beep!" or "I hear a telephone ringing". For her shots, she layed down and mommy held her hands. We decided to do them in her legs this time. She wanted to watch because she told me she was so brave. She had 2 shots in both legs. The first 2 she cried slightly, but the 3rd one she let out a blood curling scream and said, "Ouch that hurt!!" She cried pretty hard after that until the nurse put her band-aids on, (tears come to a screeching halt with the magic of band-aids) then she jumped down and asked if she could have her treat now. It was so cute.


The Grantham Family said...

WOW big girl! She is such a honey brit. She is growing up fast...and she is a beauty!

jessica ashley said...

How cute, she is going up so fast! Love the new posts on the blog we never get to catch up so it’s good to see all the exciting things you family has been up to.