It's been beautiful the last couple days--it probably won't last, because let's face it, we are in Georgia, so we took advantage of the 70 degree weather and went to the park all afternoon. We met the Butlers there. The kids had so much fun together. I know I have a million pictures, but I couldn't leave anyone out and we had some really great pics.
Have you ever found something you absolutely love and when you don't do it often, you miss it like it's a part of you that's gone missing???...That is me with photography. I had to take pictures today to release my creative outlet, what is very much a part of me. So, even though there's a ton of pics, try to enjoy it---it's one of my paths to happiness.

Baby Rhese. He was so sweet, had a little cough and Britt rocked him like this and he fell asleep.

Britt took this of Mika and me. She was being so serene while we were there. Got some great shots of her....oh and this is for Brit Denney, my new hair cut, windblown and all....

Savannah Butler--birthday girl who just turned 4 yesterday. Look at those eyes. She's drinking some water.

I can't help but laugh when I see this pic of Ethan running. I named it: The Crazy.

Halle Butler, I named this one: The Crazy #2.--need I say more? :)

Mika enjoying the swing...

She came down the twisty slide and found her brother catching her. Cutest face ever.

Halle, love those big brown eyes.

Notice Kaylin's hair. She's not running, but it was windy. I LOVE it.

Check out Ethan and Aidrian's side pics too. They are new, from today. I love them...