Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pins Out!

Yesterday was a big day for Ethan! I took him up to the Emory Clinic where he'd get to take his pins out! He was a little nervous, but super brave and happy to get that splint off! 
 The 2 balls come off first, then they pull with tweezers 3 inch pins. I was amazed they were so long and didn't poke out the other end! Ethan watched the whole time and was slightly uncomfortable very briefly.
His X-rays were awesome so he got to go home with just a bandage and a sling for a week! He can't participate in PE for 3 weeks, but he's doing fine adjusting to the freedom :) The Dr encouraged us to let him move it around on his own terms, not to push or pull his healing of his range of motion. We'll go back in 3 months to make sure it's healing properly and his range of motion is all back. But as for now, he's getting used to using two arms again!


Jene and Megan said...

Yikes! 3 inches?! I don't know if I could've handled that...go you and go Ethan!!

Your other posts are darling. Great pictures!!

Meagan said...

What a brave boy!! He looks so calm and collected. Way to go Ethan!!

Tami said...

That is unbelievable! I had no idea that was how "pins" worked. Crazy. Ethan is awesome!