Aidrian is 11 months old this week. (the 16th) I can't even believe it. She's still so small and petite, but bubbling with personality. She loves going on the golf cart. When Kaylin is with us too, she loves to sit int he middle. Otherwise she's on my lap kicking her legs.
She loves being outside. She'll cruise around everywhere, happily taking a seat wherever she desires to stop and eat some leaves.

She mimics sound now, like when we say Hi, she hums the same tone. She also screams when the other kids do too. She squeals when she is happy or wants food. We are working on saying Please. She's learning how to wave Hi and Bye by curling her fingers. She loves Ethan's quads and crawls around while pushing one. She claps and loves her soft puzzles, pointing to pictures in books, drinking through a straw and will throw all food on the floor when she's thirsty.

This is for my friend Melanie. I love this outfit and got so many compliments on it. But she couldn't crawl, so she'd walk on her hands and feet, it was quite funny. And I didn't mind because then she didn't get the outfit dirty! Look at her feet, she's always on her tippy toes when she's standing.

We all have very cute relationships with Mika moo. She loves playing with
daddy, she'll point at him and have conversations with him. She loves to wrestle with him and be tossed high in the air. She loves
mom and squeals whenever I pick her up. She'll hug me and eat my shoulder laughing. She loves to pull my hair or poke my eyelashes when she's trying to nurse or go to sleep. When she's tired she rarely will go to anyone else.
Kaylin is very sweet to her. Mika will get so excited when she sees her bus. She loves sitting on her lap or walking with her. Kaylin sits by her in the car and always makes sure she has toys or crackers.
Ethan loves to play with her, but lately Mika has ruined his race tracks and steals his cars. He complains and fusses and it's hard not to laugh, as he is the ultimate destroyer. He takes time to walk with her and walways wants her to come outside with him. His favorite is to sit her on her walker and push her around like crazy.
My funniest moment so far:
Ethan put Mika backwards in his huge tonka dumptruck one day while they were outside. She was quite nervous and yelled at him a couple times untill he started moving. I wish so bad I had a video of this. Her little cheeks bounced around, her eyes wide with worry, but a slight look of delight as they raced around the yard. She'd yell at him when they went dowhill or turned. (Did I mention they were going fast?) I looked away for a moment and all of the sudden I see Ethan LETTING GO of the dumptruck pushing her down a small steep hill in the yard. I yell for Ethan to run and get her and she's
flying down the backyard NOT slowing down. Her head and cheeks bobbling with the worriest look I've ever seen. I can't even write this with out laughing and tearing up. It was so funny. She comes to a stop and then full out cries. It was hilarious. He takes her out and I tell Kaylin to bring her back to me, as they are at the far end of the backyard. Kaylin puts Mika back in the dumptruck but on her tummy instead. Ethan races her back to me with a yelling Mika the whole way. Ahhh. That was funny. She puts up with so much, despite her protests.