Sunday, June 22, 2008

The many faces of...

"hello mom" "talking"
"who's there!?"
"that was exhausting!"
"look at my cool mohawk!"

Aidrian is 5 weeks now! She's getting chubbier arms and legs, it's so cute. She's more alert now and I think she actually gave me a genuine smile today at church. She's such a happy little thing, loves to be held, is quite nervous when she hears Ethan approaching and then gets kissed to death! (I find all sorts of things in her hair...cheetos, juice, pretty much anything Ethan eats during the day!) She can sleep through all the noise though, when she's in a deep sleep, so that's nice.
I have two great helpers and they love her to death. Ethan calls her Baby Aidrian Bumblebee and will sing her own song about her being a bumblebee (no she doesn't get smashed at the end!) And Kaylin makes her voice go quite high and soft singing Twinkle Twinkle. She sure brings a lot of joy in our home....


The Vander Veurs said...

that is the cutest thing in the word how much they love her. i think thats funny how ethan is he doesnt know better he just loves her=) her hair is getting so light i love it. I have gotton a few smile out of jordyn but she is 7 weeks now and it seems like i should get more im trying not to get frustrated. You can totally see her maturing she is just gorgeous!! i wish i could hold her i hate being so far away=(

Angie said...

What a cutie! She really looks like Travis in that third "who's there" picture. And maybe some blue eyes this time?!?!

Meagan said...

She is so adorable! I can't wait to meet her! I hope she isn't too clingy to her mom when I see her in August!

melanie said...

she is so dang cute! i can't wait to see her