Fam--remember Trevor's gash?? Travis had to call Trev and he told him he thought about Trev the whole time!
So yeah, the house is quiet-which is so nice because I have a screaming headache, Aidrian is cuter than ever, rolling around, talking...so I'm like, Oooh let's get the camera! As soon as I hit record--all heck breaks loose.
If you already have a headache, I advise you to turn your volume off. This video is funny to me now, only because I don't currently have a headache and I wanted to show a glimpse of what Sunday afternoons are like in the Clarke house. Ethan has no pants and wants to wrestle, Kaylin is growling at her dad, trying to be scarier than him, and Aidrian is trying to enjoy time with mom! ;)
Have fun!
We have been memorizing the Articles of Faith at bedtime. Kaylin knows 1 and 2. Ethan is working on #2. We had to record this because this is how he says #2...
I apologize for those of you who aren't mormon, you won't know what I'm talking about, but it's still cute!